Need an emergency fundraising email because of Helene or Milton?


We’re replacing today’s blog post with a special announcement:

If you’re at a small nonprofit, and hurricane Helene or hurricane Milton has caused you to need extra/emergency funds, we’d like to help; we will write an emergency fundraising email for you.

Our hearts have been broken by what’s happened in the past couple of weeks – and what might happen in the next few days.  We know of several organizations that are waaaay beyond capacity.  And staff people who don’t have the time, expertise or budget to get out an emergency email. 

So we’d like to help.

If you’re at a small nonprofit and would like us to write a free emergency fundraising email for you, here’s what to do:

  1. Fill out this form, and
  2. Give us a brief snapshot of what’s happening for your beneficiaries or organization, and
  3. Tell us if your organization is too small to afford to do this on your own, or if you’ve just never really known how.

We’ll reply with a few detailed questions about your exact situation so we know what to say in the email.  Once you send us the answers, we’ll write an emergency email for you within a day or two.  We’ll also send a handful of tips that will help you with emergency fundraising in general.

It’s possible that we won’t be able to write an email for every organization that asks for one.  We’ve never done this before, and we have no idea how many people will take us up on this offer.

But we are inspired by the thousands of people who are helping as much as they can right now.  This is the way we can help, and just like you, we’ll help as much as we can.

If you or your organization need help, please get in touch!