The Better Fundraising For All manifesto


Fundraisers are the leverage point.  They – you! – are the fulcrum at which a little sweat and knowledge can make the world a better place.

This huge opportunity comes from a scary scenario that looks like this:

More nonprofits than ever before  


More people working in nonprofits than ever before  


Lack of real fundraising training  


Fundraising that doesn’t work  


Closed nonprofits and lost jobs


Scary, isn’t it?  But think for a moment with us; imagine the power of more fundraisers who really understand good fundraising!  Think of the impact on their organizations, their donors and the world!  For us this scenario goes from scary to scary exciting pretty quickly.

Because here’s the thing; Fundraising makes the world a better place every day.  What you are doing is literally making the world a better place.  And here’s what most people don’t know – you are making your donors’ lives better too.

Every relevant study shows that donors who give gifts feel more connected to the world around them.  The studies also show that donors are physically healthier than non donors.  Finally, research shows donors are happier than non donors.  You get to be a part of making their lives empirically better!

Through your work you get to:

  1. Make your donors happier and healthier
  2. Increase the capacity of your organization
  3. Make the world a better place via the outcomes your organization produces

That’s crazy great.

The mission of Better Fundraising For All is to provide free fundraising tools and counsel to people like you who want to raise more money.  For people and organizations who want more in-depth help and training, we work for a fee.  And if you benefit from Better Fundraising For All, we ask that you share your successes so that others can learn from them.  A rising tide lifts all boats.

Does it make sense now?  How Fundraisers like you are such a powerful force for good?

Look at what we can do together:

More nonprofits than ever before  


More people working in nonprofits than ever before  


Easy, effective fundraising training  


You raising more money  


Making the world a better place every day


The more tools you have, the more money you’ll raise, the more successful you and your organization will be.

Be a part of it.  Read our free newsletter.  Take our classes.  Raise more money and make the world a better place!


Steven Screen is Co-Founder of The Better Fundraising Company and lead author of its blog. With over 30 years' fundraising experience, he gets energized by helping organizations understand how they can raise more money. He’s a second-generation fundraiser, a past winner of the Direct Mail Package of the Year, and data-driven.

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