Happy thanksgiving!


We’re grateful for you!

The work you do to make the world a better place is a big deal! So Thank You, we love getting to be a small part of your work, and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Jim & Steven

Jim Shapiro

Jim Shapiro is the fundraising coach you’ve always wanted, the proven Sherpa who can help you get to the top of the mountain. Jim has 30 years’ experience raising money, including serving as the VP of Development for a global $100m nonprofit. He co-founded The Better Fundraising Co. to help small-to-medium nonprofits raise more money.

One comment on “Happy thanksgiving!

  1. Jim and Steve,
    And thank you for your advice through your blogs, free and paid for seminars. They do help. And you get part of the reward for the good that is done by all those that you help.
    And as we all know, reward is not just the paycheck. It’s the gratification that what I’m doing helps others and there’s a greater good happening. That I add value to the world.
    Thank you for your part.
    Nesanel Siegal of the Kehillah Jewish Education Fund

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