Exercises to Help You Implement the Core Four Fundraising Strategies | Better Fundraising Co.


Exercises to Help You Implement the Core Four Fundraising Strategies

Raise more money month after month (Here’s How)

There’s a much better way to raise money for your nonprofit.  And this workbook can help!

Download this FREE workbook to help you turn the ideas from Jim Shapiro’s ‘From $ix to $even Figures’ clinic into practical actions for your organization. Use it to organize hone in on how you can implement each strategy into the reality of your organization’s fundraising.

Fill out the form below and the Workbook will be emailed to you!


As a special bonus, when you fill out the form below you'll get a FREE major donor management spreadsheet.  It's proven to help you keep your major donors engaged and get bigger gifts from them year-over-year!

Fill out the form below and the Workbook will be emailed to you!

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