The most fruitful fundraising time of year!


Today is the day that the real fun begins. December 1st represents the start of the most fruitful fundraising time of year. If you haven’t already planned out your fundraising calendar for this month, it isn’t too late. Here’s what you need to ASAP.

  1. Write and send an appeal letter today! Keep it simple. Ask your donors to make a gift today.
  2. Makeover your website or at least take over the main landing page. Donors are going to your site to make a gift. Make it easy for them to find your giving page. Organizations that really understand the importance of this have made over their entire website to be all about giving. Take a look at this site from Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission. Wow! They get it.
  3. Prepare your year-end emails right now!  Send these emails out the last few days of December.  The most fruitful time to send an email is December 31st between 10AM – 1PM.  Make your emails short and simple.

Watch this blog for more year-end fundraising tips.  This is the season for giving, so get out their and ask your donors to make a gift!

Jim Shapiro

Jim Shapiro is the fundraising coach you’ve always wanted, the proven Sherpa who can help you get to the top of the mountain. Jim has 30 years’ experience raising money, including serving as the VP of Development for a global $100m nonprofit. He co-founded The Better Fundraising Co. to help small-to-medium nonprofits raise more money.

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