The Power of ‘A Little Bit More’ Fundraising

A little bit more.

As a fundraiser, it’s tempting to dream about something big and amazing that would change everything for your organization. A surprise million dollar gift. An unexpected bequest. A knockout appeal that shatters previous records.

And, I’ll admit, you can do a lot of good when those big and amazing things happen.

But there’s a simple tactic that nearly every fundraiser can employ that, over time, can be just as powerful. I call it “a little bit more” fundraising.

Here’s the idea:

Whatever you did last year, do a little bit more.

For example, you could do one or more of the following:

  • Add one or two additional e-appeals to your communications schedule.
  • Add one more direct mail appeal to your calendar.
  • Ask your major donors to give a little bit more than their previous gift.
  • Ask a few faithful donors to start giving monthly.

If you do a little bit more each year, you’re doing two important things:

First, you’re giving your donors more opportunities to support your mission.

Then, by using one or more of these tactics, you’re being proactive and taking control of your fundraising, rather than putting your hopes in a big, surprise gift or a knockout appeal.

This summer, give some thought to what adding “a little bit more” to your fundraising would look like for your organization. When you work “a little bit more” fundraising into your plan, you’ll see a lift in results without a lot of additional work.

Sarah Lundberg

Sarah is a Fundraising Advisor with Better Fundraising. She has been part of the nonprofit world for over 18 years, most recently as Director of Marketing and Communications at an international ministry. Sarah loves helping organizations see what’s possible when they put proven fundraising practices into place.

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