1/3 of Your Annual Donations Are at Stake This Year-End — Do You Have a Plan?

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When a third of your annual donations are at stake, you must make sure your donors receive the right message at the right time — and in the right way.

Come mid-November, you’ll find yourself in this exact situation.

So … do you have a great plan?

Introducing Your GREAT Year-End Fundraising Calendar

We’ve worked with and talked to hundreds of nonprofit leaders like you. Most of them don’t know exactly what to do and when to do it to make the most of their year-end. So, we developed a calendar.

Your Best-Ever Year-End Fundraising Calendar shows you the days, times and places you need to communicate with donors at year-end.  You’ll know exactly when to mail letters, send emails, update your website, and post on Facebook!

The guesswork is gone!

Vision House Raised 22% More Than They’d Ever Raised Before

Last year, we used the calendar with Vision House, a client that serves homeless families in the Seattle area. They needed to raise a significant amount of money last December. Together, we reviewed their planned list of November and December donor communications against our suggested calendar.

We discovered they were missing out on key opportunities:

  1. There was space in their calendar for another print appeal
  2. They needed to do more communication online

We added a timely print appeal and three emails to the end of December. And the results were powerful — a 22% lift over their previous best year-end!

How much more would you raise with a 22% increase in revenue?  Would spending $100 to achieve that be a good investment?

Raise More Money at Year-End — Just Like Vision House

You can run the most successful year-end campaign you’ve had yet – in half the time and with far less stress.

But you need to get started right away.

Get your Year-End Fundraising Calendar now!


Steven Screen is Co-Founder of The Better Fundraising Company and lead author of its blog. With over 30 years' fundraising experience, he gets energized by helping organizations understand how they can raise more money. He’s a second-generation fundraiser, a past winner of the Direct Mail Package of the Year, and data-driven.

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