Don’t re-invent the wheel!

Year-end is fundraising prime time

Most nonprofits receive 1/3 of their annual donations just in the last few weeks of December!

No pressure … but that means there’s significant amount of funding riding on your year-end campaign!

Year-end fundraising is critical! But here’s some great news…

You now have access to the 4 tools that will give you everything you need to run your best year-end fundraising campaign ever.

It’s practically stress-free!

We’ve compiled decades of creative, tested, successful fundraising into tools you can use right now for success.

You don’t have to spend thousands on a year-end campaign!

These fantastic products will help you make the most of the all-important year-end fundraising season. Each one is designed for you to start using right now – saving you time and money!

As the saying goes, Don’t reinvent the wheel.

Take a look:

  • Your Best Ever Year-End Fundraising Calendar
    Your complete plan for fundraising: everything you need to do at year-end for maximum results, as well as tips and tricks for each channel. It’s a blueprint you can follow for proven success! $99
  • Successful Year-End Fundraising Letter Samples
    Save time by following a guaranteed formula for success. Borrow what you want from these sample letters that are proven winners year after year. $129
  • Year-End Digital Fundraising Toolkit
    Learn how to run a successful year-end digital campaign. Get samples you can use now to create emails, splash pages, homepage promos and social media advertising. $149
  • Major Donor Year-End Fundraising Webinar: The System To Maximize Relationships & Revenue
    Join us for a live webinar on October 12 at 10 a.m. (PST) to get a simple system that will help you raise more money and steward your most important relationships. $179

It’s our business to help nonprofits like yours achieve fundraising goals and develop generous donors. We’re here to help you make Year-End 2017 your best fundraising season ever!

Order Now


Steven Screen is Co-Founder of The Better Fundraising Company and lead author of its blog. With over 30 years' fundraising experience, he gets energized by helping organizations understand how they can raise more money. He’s a second-generation fundraiser, a past winner of the Direct Mail Package of the Year, and data-driven.

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