Reporting Email ‘Template’

Report email.

Today I’m sharing a simple tool to stay in touch with your donors… an e-story.

What’s an e-story?  It’s a reporting email for donors that’s short, simple, personal, and story-forward – written as though you couldn’t wait to share a story of success with a special donor.

I challenge you to write an e-story (maybe right now?!) and share it with your donors this summer!

Here’s the big idea: the email shares one story of success, one person your organization helped or one thing your organization accomplished.

And here’s a template (I guess it’s more of an outline) to get you started!

Dear <First Name>,

[Donor-focused gratitude statement – thank the donor for helping cause the outcomes of your organization’s work]

[Summary of problem donor helped to solve for one person or thing]

[Introduce story]

[“Before and after” story about a specific beneficiary. It should describe the “before” (what was happening that help was needed) and then describe the positive “after” that your work and the donor’s gift made possible.]

[Statement that makes it clear that the transformation from the “before” to the “after” would not have happened without the donor’s generosity]

[Warm, emotional closing thank you statement]


The whole thing is usually around 250 or 300 words.  This keeps it short and easy to read.

Sending an e-story to your donors this summer will ensure you don’t “go dark” on your donors.  And your donor will feel great knowing the incredible difference they made possible!

McKenzie Mitchell

McKenzie has spent most of her career at nonprofits, gathering experience across marketing, communications, annual giving, capital campaigns, public affairs, and most recently donor membership programs at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Her motivation each day is to wake up and help you make the most impact, and raise more money.

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