New eBook Released! [download]

Core Four.

We’ve excited to share the launch of our new free eBook!

You can download it right here.

Here’s the story behind what you’ll see…

The eBook contains the answer to a question we asked ourselves:

“What strategies & actions made the biggest impact helping our clients raise more than $1,000,000 annually from their individual donors for the first time?”

We wrote this eBook to share the four main strategies that helped organizations leave “six figures” behind and make the leap to raising “seven figures.”

One thing that was encouraging to see: this approach is accessible to even the smallest organizations.  None of the organizations we looked at had everything buttoned up in the first couple of years.  It was always a phased/iterative approach where they would get a little better each year.  And then the improvements they’d make in one area would reinforce the improvements they’d make in other areas.

And for the people we’ve shared this with who have yet to break the $1m barrier, they love having a roadmap and seeing how everything works together.

Download your free copy today, we know it will be helpful for you!

Ready for Download: Free eBook on Donor Complaints

Are complaints – or the fear of complaints – stopping your organization from connecting with more donors and raising more money?

Read the free eBook that will help your organization make “the leap” to the next level of fundraising by:

  • Showing the different types of complaints (and what they mean)
  • Giving you a script for how to respond to a Complainer
  • Giving you a simple system for handling all complaints (even internal complaints)

It’s called, “The Sanity-Saving Magic of Understanding Donor Complaints” and you can get it free right here.

Don’t let the fear of complaints hold you back! This eBook demystifies complaints, shows how complaints can hold an organization’s fundraising hostage, and gives your organization the tools to develop a healthy understanding and relationship with complaints.

Just released today – download it now!

All the Free Things


To help you raise more money in 2020 (stop that rhyming, I mean it!), we sent out a bunch of free resources during the week between Christmas and New Year’s.

You might have missed them.

It’s like you were on vacation or had other things going on.

So in case you missed them – and you still want to raise more money this year – here they are all in one spot for you.

Click the links to download, for free, all these resources:

It’s an incredible privilege to be part of your fundraising tribe. Your time and attention are a gift, and we don’t take it lightly.

Thank you. And may you raise more in 2020 than you ever have before!