Thanking Your Donors is Essential

Thank donors.

Before my time at The Better Fundraising Co, I used to be a Director of Marketing and Communications for a nonprofit. But then the nonprofit I was working at needed me to create their fundraising materials from scratch, and I discovered a whole new world of expertise — it challenged the beliefs that my nonprofit and I had for how fundraising worked.

But we started raising a LOT more money. 

Before we learned direct mail fundraising best practices, thanking donors who gave in response to appeals and newsletters happened… sometimes. But thanking wasn’t built into our processes, so we dropped the ball more times than I’d care to admit.

We WERE thankful for our donors every time they gave, but we took it for granted that they knew we were thankful.

That was a big mistake.

When a donor makes a gift, they don’t know you’re thankful if you don’t tell them.

When we started building intentional direct mail “thank yous” into our internal processes, thanking started happening more consistently. And donors really appreciated being thanked.

What I wasn’t prepared for was how this consistent thanking process would change ME and my approach to fundraising.

One day I was sitting at my desk, writing thank you notes to everyone who had responded to our Christmas appeal. What started off as a tedious task became something else. As I wrote note after note, a wave of emotion hit me, and I could feel the tears in my eyes.

We had sent out a letter in the mail. And these kind, generous people chose to send money back to help. It felt… magical.

$50. $250. $5,000. I began to see each gift as a precious act of sacrifice from the donor.

What a gift.

I started to approach direct response fundraising differently after this emotional thanking experience. I was more comfortable boldly asking donors to give, because I knew they would be thanked personally and emotionally.

And most importantly, donors started to give more often through our appeals and e-appeals because they KNEW we were thankful for their gift.

Read the whole series:

Sarah Lundberg

Sarah is a Fundraising Advisor with Better Fundraising. She has been part of the nonprofit world for over 18 years, most recently as Director of Marketing and Communications at an international ministry. Sarah loves helping organizations see what’s possible when they put proven fundraising practices into place.

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