Your Newsletter is the “Report” in Ask, Thank, Report, Repeat. It is where your donors find out if giving your organization a gift was a good idea – or not.
And if you are like most fundraising directors, you are about to create a donor newsletter. Because this is the time of year when many organizations Report back to donors.
Hopefully, you’re Reporting to them the amazing things that happened because they gave a gift to your charity – not just bragging about the things your organization has been doing.
Remember, your donors gave you their money but they don’t know what happened to their gift after you received it. But they need to know if you ever want them to give another gift! So your newsletter’s “one job” is to show donors the impact of their gift.
Last February we posted this video that shows how to improve your donor newsletter. It’s just 3-minutes long and is a great summary plus useful tips as you create your next newsletter.
Click here to watch – and then go Report to your donors and raise more money!