How many appeals should you send?

Fundraising is Beautiful Podcast

How much fundraising is too much? How much is too little? There’s no single right answer to these questions, but we can help you move toward what’s best for your organization.

If you increase your number of appeals, you will see more net revenue, and improved donor retention. Really! Embrace this truth, and throw off your limited-revenue shackles. It works.

5 game-changing pieces of advice for fundraisers

Fundraising is Beautiful Podcast

Five quick, easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement pieces of advice that have transformed our work over the years:

  1. Donors fund outcomes, not processes.
  2. If you like it, it probably won’t work.
  3. There are many best practices in fundraising that will probably work for you.
  4. Sell the sizzle, not the steak.
  5. Fundraising is good for donors.

Learn how these short bits of wisdom can transform your fundraising. Plus at least one bonus piece of advice!

The Secrets of Major-Donor Fundraising

Fundraising is Beautiful Podcast

A lively and useful interview with Jeff Schreifels of Veritus Group and co-author of the excellent Veritus Group Blog.

We talk about the differences between raising funds from major donors and raising funds in general (there aren’t many differences). Also, the “secrets” of major-donor fundraising are hardly secret at all.

What fundraisers should measure for success

Fundraising is Beautiful Podcast

Peter Drucker said “What’s measured improves.” Want to improve your fundraising? Here are the two most important things to measure:

  1. Net revenue
  2. Donor retention

There are a lot of other key performance indicators in fundraising, but if you measure (and thus improve) these two numbers, your fundraising program will be in fine shape.

Don’t miss these insights from the front lines of fundraising!

Step off the “tactics treadmill” and start raising funds

Fundraising is Beautiful Podcast

I know Roger Craver. Roger Craver is a friend of mine. And frankly, we are no Roger Craver.

But we think you’ll get a lot from this podcast nevertheless, as we’ll show you how to stop wasting time, money and energy jumping from one fundraising tactic to the next and instead focus on what matters: Your relationship with your donors and your fundraising offer. When you understand those two things, you’ll be better at choosing the right fundraising tactics, and you’ll be much better at making any tactic fulfill its promise.

Roger Craver says so, and he knows

Fundraising is Beautiful Podcast

In this not-to-be-missed interview, fundraising legend and co-editor of The Agitator discusses donor retention, the importance of social media in fundraising, and how things have changed in our profession over the years. This discussion will fill your brain with ideas. Note: somewhat salty language!

Why donors go away, Part 2

Fundraising is Beautiful Podcast

Why do your donors leave? For the most part, it’s your fault — the things you do (and don’t do) drive away donors. But there’s a lot you can do to keep donors happy, engaged, and giving. We look at some of those smart fundraising moves in this podcast and the previous one.

We are looking at donor retention research posted here: Why donors stop their support.

Why donors go away, Part 1

Fundraising is Beautiful Podcast

Why do your donors leave? Here’s the bad news: It’s mostly your fault. The good news: There’s lot you can do to keep them engaged and giving. We look at some of those smart fundraising moves in this podcast and the next one.

We are looking at donor retention research posted here: Why donors stop their support.

The Fundraiser’s Guide to Irresistible Communications

Fundraising is Beautiful Podcast

After an embarrassingly long hiatus, we take a look at the new book The Fundraiser’s Guide to Irresistible Communications: How it can help you raise more money for your cause, and why it may be the most important book ever published. The book is available at: